Issues of life

Issues of Life

Psalm 4:6-8 NKJV
"There  are many who say, 'Who will show us any good?' Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

Has man changed so much since the time when David wrote this? When we investigate that question and read through our history, we find that man has always had issues. The connection between every generation is the commonality that man has always sought to find the answers to his own generation's problems within himself and without God; while others in that same generation have the wisdom to seek God in their generation and live holy lives.

Those who seek after God and abide in His ways have the assurance of a better life - if not here then surely in the next - and they have the ability to have peace in the midst of chaos. Does this describe you and me, or do we lose our minds and our faith when the things of this life inevitably spin out of control around us? The events of our time and in our generation seem like they're the worst they've ever been, depending on who you're speaking with and your worldview. We may be tempted to look around and ask, "Who will show us any good?" while we forget all the good God has already shown us. Friends, I must question where our heads are sometimes; it really is amazing, and disconcerting, to hear the hopelessness and despair in the voices of fellow-believers while considering the events of our time.

We all have trials, we all have personal battles, we all suffer in some way. What sets us apart, or at least should, is how we confront the issues of life and respond to adversity.

David shows the peace and hope that the Lord's people possess. Where are you and I in all of this? When it comes to the issues of life, do we take our stand with God or are we found among the hopeless and godless? Do we have gladness in our heart, do we lie down in peace, do we dwell in safety with our Lord?

Are you a Christian who lives in the world, or is the world living in you while you call yourself a Christian? Are you a fraud, or are you for real? Only the righteous will inherit eternal life, let us all be among that number, thereby dwelling in safety with our Lord.


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