Be of Good Courage

Be of Good Courage

Psalms 27:13-14 NKJV
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!"

What an encouragement and what strength this Psalm brings! This has become a favorite Psalm of mine through the years; as I read through David's resolve to hold true to God and put his full trust in Him, I gain courage. The world strives to pull us back in, it seems at every turn, and we must fight against it. Look to David's words as a warrior, one who valiantly fought for God, and as one who suffered so much loss in his life; yet he didn't lose sight of the God whom he served and who sustained him. Let us follow his footsteps in this. He says earlier in the Psalm, "Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident." May we all have such resolve.

So many opportunities to lose heart, get discouraged, let our faith fail. So many excuses we can make as to why we don't follow through with the hard things we must do in order to be obedient. So easy to just not do His will; so easy to be lost.

There is certainly a reason why we fail, lose heart, why we lose if we don't have God in our lives. For without God, there is nothing and we are nothing but dust. However, we have reason to rejoice and be glad when we are true to Him, when we have faith as we should, that we shall "see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living".

We all know someone going through something difficult, that person could be us. I presently have friends dealing with dreadful things right now, illnesses of the body, struggles of life that seem so overwhelming, the pull of worldliness,  and so much else. The perils of this life can seem ever so strong, yet let us not lose our faith. Evil influences can seem so good, yet let's open our eyes to the sin around us and the reality of what becomes of our souls if we fail God. Let us not stop short, friends, whatever the challenge before us, "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart..." Friends, use today to God's glory, cherish every moment He so graciously blesses you with and don't let anything get in the way of reaching heaven. This life, this world, this sickness, this troubling moment in time; none of it can ever win over our mighty God. Fight valiantly. Stay the course. Wait on the Lord.

"Wait, I say, on the Lord!"


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